Intel Inside License Agreement

5.1 Anonymous data collection by material. Some materials can generate and collect anonymous material data and pass it on to Intel as a unique event when they are installed. This anonymous collection of data may include, among other things, the name of the product, the product version, the type of license, the type of support and the status of the installation. The collection of anonymous data by the material does not include: a) the personal or personal data identifiable by you, an end user or a person concerned; b) data or information identifying an entity; or (c) data or information about non-Intel software. The goal of collecting anonymous data through materials is to enable Intel to develop, improve and support Intel`s products and services. (b) You will redistribute the redistributables initially made available to you by Intel only in executable code, subject to a licensing agreement prohibiting the dismantling and reversal of redistributable engineering; No other rights, titles or licenses are granted. 10. NON-DISCLOSURE. The following provisions apply in the absence of a confidentiality agreement between you and Intel. The materials are Intel`s confidential information. You will maintain the confidentiality of Intel`s confidential information with at least the same degree of diligence that you use to protect your own proprietary and confidential information, but no less than an appropriate level of diligence in the circumstances.

You will only pass on confidential information to your employees who need to know and comply with confidentiality conditions at least as complete as those described in this document; provided you are held responsible for the injury of such a member of staff. For the purposes of this agreement, the term “employee” includes your independent contractors who have signed confidentiality agreements with you. You will not make copies of confidential information unless it is necessary for your employees if needed. All copies that are made are identified as belonging to Intel and identified as “confidential,” “owners” or similar captions. They are not responsible for disclosing confidential information that is (a) made public by Intel or made available to third parties without limitation of disclosure; (b) be received, quite rightly, by a third party, without an obligation of secrecy; (c) that you are properly aware of this, without any limited disclosure prior to your receipt of Intel; (d) developed independently of your employees; or (e) in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, courts, courts or other government orders, as long as you provide Intel with appropriate information prior to disclosure and comply with any applicable protection order.

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