Oklahoma Nurse Practitioner Collaborative Agreement

In 2017, the United Health Foundation ranked Oklahoma in its annual report as the eighth unhealthy state. Not only does the state have relatively high rates of smoking and obesity, but access to primary care services is also a growing crisis in the region. The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) predicted a 26.3 percent shortage of primary care physicians in Oklahoma by 2025. Fortunately, for legislators and citizens of the state, there is a remote striking solution: the extension of full practice power to nurses. Association of Oklahoma Nurse Practitioners npofoklahoma.com/ the results of the disciplinary hearing included a revocation for several cases of medical mismanagement and two voluntary court enselages that imposed parole for personal substance abuse. A voluntary filing with the court was adopted, with conditions of six months` suspension, mandatory assessment and five years of probation for sexual misconduct and a violation of drug order laws. A case continued with the agreement that the licensee would not prescribe controlled drugs until the matter had been heard by the House. The Association of Oklahoma Nurse Practitioners (AONP) has been very active in recent years in not only obtaining full practice power from NPNs, but has also actively advocated for the removal of medical supervision of prescription privileges. Indeed, legislators were horrified when the legislature was expert on the sometimes huge sums of money doctors asked nurses to write scripts. “Monitoring means that there is appropriate transfer, consultation and cooperation between the advanced nurse and the attending physician.” (d) A practitioner may not distribute, distribute, sell, donate, prescribe or administer controlled substances in diagrams I to V for personal use or for a direct family member. Unless this paragraph applies to family members outside the second degree of caution or affinity. Unless this paragraph applies in the event of a medical emergency, when no other doctor is available to respond to the emergency.

A clinical nurse specialist will follow a program accredited by one of the following three organizations or candidates for accreditation: the College Care Education Commission (CCNE), the Nursing Training Accreditation Commission (ACEN) or the Commission for Accreditation of Childhood Education (CNEA). The Oklahoma Nurses Practice Act also requires nurse practitioners to practice in a manner consistent with their licensing specialty. For example, a pediatric NP is not authorized to provide adult care. National certification by a certification body is required for PNs who practice in Oklahoma. Advanced nurse practitioners in Oklahoma can practice independently (with the exception of NRCs), but they must have a “supervisory physician” to obtain prescription privileges. The Oklahoma Board of Nursing does not specify the number of times this physician must “monitor” the NRNA. He may speak to the APRN once a year, once a month or once a week. Family nurses are aware of their level of practice and can easily manage 80 per cent of patients who visit an emergency or family clinic on a daily basis. Doctors are not only well trained in basic family practice, but they specialize the most – and it is these specialists who consult home nurses or call on patients when the patient`s problems are outside the field of THE NRPA.

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