Sample Lease Back Agreement

If you`re considering a sale-leaseback transaction for your commercial property, it`s important to have a well-written lease agreement in place. A leaseback agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the lease between the seller and buyer, including the rent, security deposit, maintenance responsibilities, and more. In this article, we`ll explore the key components of a sample leaseback agreement to help you understand its importance.

Term of the Lease

The leaseback agreement should clearly state the length of the lease term. It could be a fixed term or a month-to-month basis. This is an important consideration, as it affects various aspects of the transaction, such as the rent, renewal options, and termination provisions.

Rent Payment

The lease agreement should specify the amount of rent, the payment frequency, and the due date. It should also address any late fees and penalties for bounced checks or missed payments. To ensure a smooth transaction, it`s important to agree on the rent payment terms before signing the leaseback agreement.

Security Deposit

The leaseback agreement should specify the security deposit amount and the conditions for its return. It should also outline the use of the security deposit, such as to cover damages or unpaid rent. As the seller, it`s important to ensure the security deposit is reasonable and not excessive.

Maintenance Responsibilities

The lease agreement should clearly state who is responsible for maintaining the property, including repairs, maintenance, and upgrades. It should also address how the tenant can request repairs and how the landlord will respond to maintenance requests. It`s essential to outline these responsibilities and expectations to avoid disputes down the road.

Termination Provisions

The lease agreement must include termination provisions outlining the circumstances in which the lease can be terminated, such as default, non-payment of rent, or breach of the lease. It should also address how much notice is required to terminate the lease and the consequences of early termination.


In conclusion, a well-drafted leaseback agreement is essential for a successful sale-leaseback transaction. It should outline the term of the lease, rent payment, security deposit, maintenance responsibilities, and termination provisions. If you`re considering a sale-leaseback transaction, it`s important to work with an experienced attorney to ensure the lease agreement protects your interests and minimizes the risk of disputes. With the right leaseback agreement in place, both the buyer and seller can enjoy a smooth and successful transaction.

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